Completed 5th grade- age 17.
Junior Volunteers are the backbone of WOW! Science Camp.
We are looking for someone who has a great attitude,
is responsible, energetic and wants to grow through your service to God. If that sounds like you let us know!
• Handle and assist in the care of the WOW! Science Camp animals.
• Assist your assigned teachers or session coordinator in and out of the classroom.
• Greet the campers when they enter and exit camp.
• Set up and clean up games and experiments.
• Participate in a JV group devotional every day before camp session begins.
• Prepare camp materials in the workroom.
• Be ready, willing, and able to help science camp staff and campers at all times.
• Fulfill the J.V. motto "Service Over Self!"JV applications are open March 3rd-May 1st. You will need to click the link below to apply. Once all applications are received on May 2nd we will finish placing everyone. As soon as this is done we will e-mail everyone letting them know where they will be placed. We have a limited number of spots per session. Please check your calendar to make sure you are available the entire week, and the MANDATORY Junior Volunteer orientation meetings.